9 visitors from March 2014
International collaborative group aiming to create, support and disseminate research in cardiovascular field providing CRF web-based platforms for multicenter studies
Coordinator and creator: Enrico Cerrato; Fabrizio D'Ascenzo
Scientific Board: G.Biondi-Zoccai; J.Escaned; C.Moretti; G.Campo; I.Sheiban; C.Templin; I.Nuñez-Gil;           S.Raposeiras Roubín; W.Wojciech; L.Perl; F.Varbella
Injeneering: D.Gallo; U.Morbiducci
Outcome of patients treated with very thin struts stents of Unprotected Left Main and bifurcationProtocol page
Revascularization after TAVI implantation Protocol Page
Incidence and management of restenosis after treatment of unprotected left main coronary artery in the II° generation DES era. Log-in web-CRF
Safety of negative FrActional flow reserve in patients with ChallEnging lesions: the FACE, a prospective multicenter study.Log-in web-CRF
OCT-Features Of moRphology, coMposItion anD instABility of culprit and not culprit coronary pLaquE in ACS patients.
Remote Ischemic Pre-conditioning Study to reduce Inflammation in patients undergoing TAVI: A Pilot Randomized Control Trial. Log-in web-CRF
RadiaL and fEmoral Access foR iNterventional fellows performing diagnostic coronary angiographies
G3-CAP - Registry Grade 3 CoronAry Perforation mUlticenter
Aspirin Hypersensitivity and Desensitization World Wide Survey Log-in web-CRF
Following the last Cardiogroup meeting held in Barcelona during the ESC 2017 Congress, the group of researchers involved in collaborative projects has grown up!
Welcome to the new scientific board:
writed at 24-09-2017 23:49:52
Enrollment in FAIL2 (FAIlure in Left main Study with 2nd generation stents) and LEARN (RadiaL and fEmoral Access foR iNterventional fellows performing diagnostic coronary angiographies) trial were completed. Main papers and sub-analysis are actually under submissions. Dr. Fabrizio D'Ascenzo coordina....read more....
writed at 29-03-2016 23:49:52
Now online a flowchart of ongoing cardiogroup protocols about Fractional Flow Reserve/iFR click here to have a look! Please contact if you want to join us! Thanks to Dr. Pavani for the help E.Cerrato....read more....
writed at 22-02-2015 12:49:52
We are glad to announce our new multicenters prospective protocols about FFR/iFR in current practice:
- TIRED Heart
Write us to join the protocols!
Enrico Cerrato
Fabrizio D Ascenzo
....read more....
writed at 17-12-2014 14:23:45
The LEARN (RadiaL and fEmoral Access foR iNterventional fellows performing diagnostic coronary angiographies) is started
This will be a multicenter study involving 8 centers in 5 countries (Italy, Spain, Denmark, Holland, USA)
Click here to enter the C....read more....
writed at 14-09-2014 18:46:35
Speaker's Corner
Dr. James DiNicolantonio, pharmacist from Wegmans Pharmacy in Ithaca, NY: discusses his article appearing in the June 2013 issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings illustrating a reduction in all-cause mortality and other benefits when using the amino acid, L-carnitine in patients experiencing myocardial infarction. Published April 2013.
Speaker's Corner
Dr. James DiNicolantonio, pharmacist from Wegmans Pharmacy in Ithaca, NY: Statin Wars: The Heavyweight Match: Atorvastatin Versus Rosuvastatin for the Treatment of Atherosclerosis, Heart Failure, and Chronic Kidney Disease. Published February 2013